FOSS4G Belgium 2022 - this is not a conference

Call for Maps

As a geospatial conference, maps should definitively be a part of it! That's why we organise a Map Gallery: a vibrant exhibit of the very best maps -both digitally and on paper. The only requirement to be shown is that at least some part was done with some open data or open source technology. Furthermore, in order to get a fresh map each tine, we prefer maps that have been created since the last FOSS4G-BE.

If you have created maps that you are proud of, please send them over! Together, we create this yearly highlight! Your map can be the result of a commercial venture, created for your community or a personal challenge,...

Printed maps

A map intended for printing can be sent in digitally (and we'll print them for you) or you can bring it during the conference. In both cases, we ask you to send it in beforehand in order to reserve space.

Interactive maps

If you created a fancy web map, we'll showcase it too! For this, a computer will be placed next to the map wall. If you want to provide an interactive map, then:

FOSS4G is a free event. We thank our sponsors and partners for making this possible.

If you want more information contact us